It often seems that auditing is more about filling in forms, ticking checklists, and typing up reports rather than dong the job of auditing and confirming processes and identifying opportunities for improvement. Auditors and quality managers will be familiar with the amount of time and effort that goes into completing cumbersome Excel spreadsheet and Word document checklists. Often checklists are so generic, or cover way too many processes and the auditor spends more time filling in ‘Not Applicable’ than recording findings that are relevant to the audit task at hand. 

Checklists and hand written notes then need to be compiled and summarised into a report, requiring many additional hours of work and delay. Reports are then emailed backwards and forwards, with information on non-conformances added until version control becomes a major concern with no-one on the email trail knowing exactly where things are up to.

There must be a better way – and there is! Why not opt for a compliance management system which can cater to all your auditing and record keeping requirements at once?

Mobiom, is a cloud-based compliance management system which allows its users to create customised audit forms and checklists. Designed to match modern day compliance needs, Mobiom has an extensive and customisable checklist library for a range of question sets for to match your industry type, your organisation structure, or even your supplier groupings. Mobiom allows the audit manager to split the overall question set into smaller question sets by selecting the question sets that apply to a particular site and industry type. When scheduling an audit, the unnecessary questions can be omitted, giving the auditor a thoroughly focused audit checklist that is relevant and specific to that audit of that site or process.

The audit checklists also include pre-filled fields for fixed details such as the name of the company, site location, site manager details, etc., meaning those days of writing the same details over and over or cutting and pasting are gone forever! Using Mobiom, the auditor is able to concentrate on the audit task rather than spending unnecessary time filling in paperwork. Auditors can upload supporting evidence such as photographs or documents directly to the cloud using tablet devices running on iOS and Android. 

Mobiom generates a range of efficient reports to aid decision making and enables access to different levels of reporting based on job role to ensure data integrity. Top management can swiftly access audit results and compliance history when needed. Mobiom can be deployed across many different business types and for different compliance reasons for efficient compliance. Conduct internal or external audits and inspections, whether you require safety, environmental, quality system, supplier management or business improvement audits.

The benefits of customised audit forms and checklists by Mobiom compliance management system are:

  • Easy to complete using iOS and Android platforms
  • Control audits and information from audit planning to the completion of non-conformances
  • Real-time information and reports available to management as soon as it is entered by the auditor
  • Safe cloud storage of reports and audit history

Contact us today to know how customised audit forms and checklists can benefit your business.

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